Thermometers showed 45 degree Celsius in Pakistan

Air temperatures continue to rise in Pakistan. Due to the heat wave especially effective in Sindh Province of Pakistan, the authorities called on the public to be cautious. Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) announced that thermometers showed 40 degree Celsius in the port city of Karachi, and the temperature felt reached up to 45 degree Celsius due to the 34 percent humidity. Many people that get exhausted from the hot weather flocked to the swimming pools to cool off.

On the other hand, temperatures above the seasonal norms negatively affect life in the country. Pakistani Climate Change Minister Sherry Rehman called on the government to take measures against temperatures reaching 47 degrees Celsius in some parts of the country. Rehman said that it is predicted that the temperatures may raise 6 to 8 degree Celsius more. Due to the energy crisis in Pakistan, there was an increase in long-term power cuts in many regions. Power cuts last 6 to 10 hours in urban centers reached up to 12 hours in rural areas. As a result of the fuel shortage and the imbalance in demand, there was a decrease in electricity production at thermal power plants and a deficit of approximately 6-7 thousand megawatts was reported.

Heat wavePakistanPakistan Meteorological DepartmentSherry Rehman
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