Three moroccon nationals caught in the back of a truck for overstsaying in Turkey

Three illegal Moroccan immigrants were caught in the trailer of a truck in Çanakkale, Turkey. The truck driver boarded the ferryboat in Çardak town to transport the cargo he had wrapped from Bursa to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Three irregular Moroccan immigrants on the ferry also broke the tarpaulin on the truck’s trailer to get inside and escape illegally. The ferry captain reported the situation to the truck driver and police teams after noticing that the tarpaulin was sewn from where it was cut, but the seam did not hold. When the tarpaulin on the trailer was opened, accompanied by the driver, 3 irregular immigrants of Moroccan nationality, who were hiding inside, emerged. Irregular migrants were taken to the Gallipoli District Police Department. The illegal migrants who were hiding inside emerged. They taken to the Gallipolı Deportation Center.

irrleuglar mirantaMoroccoTurkey
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