Turkey-Albania Fier Friendship Hospital welcomes thousands albanian patients

The Turkey-Albania Fier Friendship Hospital, which was built in Fier, Albania, in 68 days by Turkey, continues to provide quality and safe health services to the Albanian people. Hundreds of people who come to the hospital for treatment, not only from Fier but from all over Albania, express their gratitude to the Turkey-Albania Fier Friendship Hospital.

Afife Sefa said she met people from all over the country at the Turkey-Albania Fier Friendship Hospital, stating she heard the name from many people and insisted on choosing “Turks.” Sefa said, “I have liked this place since the first day I came. I like the environment, the doctors are great. They are very interested and smiling.”

Hospital Manager Rudina Degjoni stated that the hospital is getting stronger every day with the investment of Turkey and the endless contribution of Turkish doctors. Stating that the hospital is in demand from all over the country, Degjoni said, “We have many citizens who want to take advantage of our 100 percent free packages at this hospital. There is a lot of interest in the hospital and this is thanks to Turkey’s investment and the work of Turkish doctors. The activity of the hospital continues to increase day by day. Thousands of people are being treated every month. This hospital has changed our state health system and this is the first time in our country.”


Malik Hasa

AlbaniahospitalTurkeyTurkey-Albania Fier Friendship Hospital
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