“Turkey has needs to take on formidable threats” US Sate Department says on F-16 sales to Turkey

US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price answered journalists’ questions at department’s press briefing on Wednesday. Price was asked if he welcomes the removal of restricting the sale of F-16s to Turkey from the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Price said that Turkey has what it needs to take on the formidable threats that it faces. “No NATO Ally has faced more terrorist attacks on its soil than our Turkish Allies. And so our cooperation in the security realm is of paramount importance to us. This was an issue that the two presidents discussed when they gathered over the summer in Madrid at the NATO Summit. It’s been a discussion at lower levels as well. It’s been a discussion that we’ve had with Congress, and of course, we have an ongoing dialogue with Congress on this very issue, but I just don’t have an update to offer publicly,” Price stressed.

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