turkish female doctor claims second place on world karate championship

Specialist Doctor Ayten Kartal Taş, who works at the Family Health Center in the Tirebolu district of Giresun, came second in the world at the Karate Championship that held in Istanbul. Taş said that she feels safe both as a doctor and as a woman thanks to be a part of Far Eastern sports. Stating that her duty as a doctor is to provide preventive health services, Taş said, “I am working as a specialist doctor at the Family Health Center in Tirebolu. As a Family Physician, our main duty is to provide preventive health services. Our advice to our patients or people is to exercise and do sports. Sports can be done of all age. Karate is a sport that I can recommend to people of all ages.”

Karate Trainer Ercan Kara said, “As a doctor and athlete, we are proud of Ayten Kartal Taş. Our next aim is get to the 1st place in the Karate Championship, which will be held in 2022.”

Ahmet Bilge – Bekir Öztürk

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