turkish Japanese Ambassador gives interview on Turkish-Japanese relations

On the occasion that the diplomatic relations between Türkiye and Japan are leaving almost 100 years behind, Turkish Ambassador to Japan Korkut Güngen gave an interview, giving information on important topics. Güngen said that the relationship between the two countries is far behind the expected level in many areas, such as trade and tourism. It is expected that direct flights to Istanbul will be increased to counter this inefficiency in tourism. In addition, it is expected that the unnecessary war-related warnings against the Southeastern Anatolia region, where Göbeklitepe, a historical site of great interest to the Japanese, will be lifted.

Güngen also stated that members of the Fetullah Terrorist Organization, which is thought to be related to the coup in Türkiye in 2015, have recently taken refuge in Japan very frequently and that the activities of schools belonging to this organization continue seriously. Güngen stated that although we warned the Japanese authorities, the Japanese said, “As long as they do not commit a crime here, our intervention is out of the question.”

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