Turkish Museums Draw Thousands on International Museum Day


On May 18, International Museum Day, 11,015 people visited museums and archaeological sites in Antalya and the Ancient City of Sagalassos in Burdur. Celebrated worldwide by the International Council of Museums (ICOM), this day aims to protect cultural heritage and promote museology. This year’s theme, “Education and Research in Museums,” highlighted the role of museums as the “living memory of peoples.”

Antalya’s Olympos Ancient City was the most visited site, attracting 1,439 visitors. The week-long celebrations in Türkiye kicked off with a concert by the Antalya State Opera and Ballet at the Antalya Museum. Citizens and tourists enjoyed various events, including a presentation by Prof. Dr. Necmi Karul on the significance of Göbeklitepe and Karahantepe.


Children were particularly captivated by the historical artifacts, exploring museums and sites with their families, enhancing their educational experience.

Begüm Aksoy

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