Ukraine ambushed Russian troops crossing the Seversky Donets River

According to the statement made by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, the attempt of Russian soldiers to cross the Seversky Donets River in the east of the country ended in failure. Ministry stated that the Russian soldiers started to cross the river with dozens of vehicles, including tanks, Infantry fighting vehicles and Armored Personnel Carriers (APC), and during their crossing Ukrainian forces destroyed the previously established pontoon bridge on the river. Ministry also told that the ambushed Russian army lost a great number of soldiers and vehicles and they suffered heavy casualties. They reported that the aim of the Russian army was to cross the river and besiege the city of Lysychansk in the Luhansk Oblast. Ukrainian Ministry of Defense has warned that the Russian army will likely redeploy to the Seversky Donets River to compensate for their military personal casualties.

AmbushMinistry of DefenseRussiaSeversky Donets RiverUkraine
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