UN’s food aid in Ukraine reaches a million people in need

Civilians in Ukraine are having difficulty acquiring food due to the ongoing conflict, which has lasted more than a month. The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) uses trucks and trains to deliver food aid to the most vulnerable people in the country, where the humanitarian crisis is emerging. With food aid delivered to date by the WFP reaching 1 million people, it is estimated that 45 percent of the population is worried about finding enough food.

“We are in fear because there is no electricity. We were without bread at home, thankfully we had flour, she managed us,” said 76-year-old Nadejda Ot, who received bread distributed in the Barbashova district of Kharkiv.

The UN continues to set up logistics points and other centers across the country to continue providing support to those who remain in the country. WFP is seeking donations of $590 million over the next 3 months to help 3.1 million people in Ukraine as well as Ukrainian refugees in neighboring countries.

Food Aidhumanitarian aidKharkivUkraineUNWFP
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