US President Biden attends Memorial day, plants tree

US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden participated in Memorial Day, which was held in memory of the soldiers who lost their lives while serving in the US Armed Forces. In his speech, Biden stated that freedom and democracy are not easily obtained, citing the soldiers and citizens of Ukraine who are fighting for their democracy.

Speaking at the White House to commemorate the fallen US soldiers and survivors, Biden said, “Today as a nation, we undertake a sacred ritual. We must think and remember because if we forget, the sacrifices they have made so that our nation will remain strong, free and united, then we forget who we are,” he said.

After the ceremony, Biden planted a tree in memory of the soldiers who lost their lives in the South Garden of the White House with his wife, First Lady Jill Biden, and the surviving family members of the US soldiers.

Joe BidenMemorial Day
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