Violence against women protested in Belgium

With the call of the platform called Mirabal Belgium, hundreds of people gathered in the Belgian capital, Brussels, to protest violence against women. Coming together in Mont-des-arts Square, the demonstrators called the government to duty on violence against women.

The demonstrators demanded that the Belgian government grant everyone, even if they don’t have a residence permit, the right to take legal action against all forms of violence, especially the harassments on streets, and prevent any mitigation and banalization of such cases. They also demanded adequate shelter, physical and psychological support, and legal and official support for women and children who have been subjected to violence.

The demonstrators also argued that awareness on the topic should be increased and therefore police, health personnel and those working in the relevant judicial and administrative mechanisms, foundations and associations should be educated.

Unions and associations supporting the protest urged the government to implement the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence.

It was stated that in Belgium, where 20 women were murdered this year, one out of every 7 women face violence and at least 7 rape cases are recorded every day.

Belgiumprotestviolence against women
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