Volcano eruption in Tonga causes environmental disaster in Peru

Following an underwater volcano eruption in Tonga, a South Pacific island nation, oil spills on the Peruvian coast have polluted the environment. While the oil spill from Peru’s La Pampilla Refinery into the Pacific Ocean has been ongoing since Saturday, authorities have reported that the spill has spread to 4 kilometers of coastline. Authorities have demanded that Repsol, a Spanish natural gas company, take greater responsibility for the area’s cleanliness. According to the La Pampilla Refinery, which is owned by Repsol, the spill was only about 7 gallons of crude oil. However, the spill reportedly affected several beaches and protected natural areas in the Ventanilla area.

The mayor of Ventanilla, Pedro Spadaro, said about the environmental pollution that occurred in the region, “The so-called small leak turned into a disaster. The sea in the 4 kilometer area is completely black. There are dead animals hitting the shores. This is an attack against ecology.” “Since the beginning of the incident, improvement and beach cleaning works have been carried out on the coastline in Ventanilla district,” the La Pampilla Refinery said in a statement following Spadaro’s statements.

An underwater volcano erupted on Tonga’s Hunga Ha’apai Island on Saturday, and tsunami warnings were issued in many countries, including Canada, Australia, USA, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, New Zealand, Fiji and Japan.

PeruTongaunderwater volcano
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