Iran nuclear talks resume in vienna

Nuclear talks resume in Vienna with the participation of Russia, China, England, France and Germany which are parties to the nuclear agreement with Iran. “Iran represented by a new delegation led by deputy foreign minister Ali Bagheri-Kani. The new delegation has new understandable political sensibilities. Iran has recognized the former six rounds of talks. The […]

A clock tower collapsed due to storm in Istanbul

A clock tower in Çatalca district, Istanbul city could not withstand the strong wind and suddenly collapse. While the clock tower was completely destroyed, the scared citizens tried to escape to safety. Those moments were reflected on the eyewitnesses mobile phone camera second by second.

A Turkish man escapes the flying sign at the last moment

Awnings and restaurant signboards flew around and windows were collapsed in Istanbul city, Turkey, because of the strong winds. A man who was walking on the street, almost hit by a flying signboard. At that moment the man saved himself from being crushed under the signboard by lying flat down on the ground just in […]

Russia deploys ‘Yars ICBM’ near Ukraine-Belarus border

Russia Ministry of Defense announced that Yars Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) has been deployed in in the city of Kozelsk in the Kaluga region, close to the border of Ukraine-Belarus, in central Russia. Ministry stated that the Kozelsk missile formation is the first area to be equipped with the Yars missile system with a range […]

Families whose children were been kidnapped in Syria, protest the PKK

In 21 November, militants of terrorist organization YPG/PKK had been raided an orphanage and kidnapped at least 2 girl in Amuda district of Haseke city, Syria. After the incident, today group of civilians including families whose children were been kidnapped, protest the PKK with “Bring back our children” written banners. The protesters gathered in front […]

At least 45 killed in a bus crash in Bulgaria

At least 45 people, including 12 children, died after a bus crashed and caught fire in western Bulgaria.  The bus carrying mostly North Macedonian tourist returning from Turkey crashed and burst into flames on a motorway at about 02:00 local time (00:00 GMT) near the village of Bosnek, south-west of the capital Sofia. Seven people […]