lightning strikes illuminated iskenderun skies in turkey

The lightning strikes in the gulf of İskenderun, Turkey, served up visual feast on the sky. The images showing lightning flashing on the ships off the coastal Iskenderun were taken with time-lapse and slow-motion techniques. The lightings illuminated the sky throughout the night in the area, where torrential rain reduced the air temperature.

hundreds of farmers with tractors demonstrate against government in kosovo

Farmers protested the Ministry of Agriculture with their tractors, arguing that they did not receive sufficient support from the state during the Covid-19 pandemic in Kosovo. Hundreds of farmers, dissatisfied with the wheat subsidy criteria, gathered in the streets of the capital Pristina with nearly 200 tractors. The demonstrators forwarded a petition to the Minister […]

parachutists caught in storm in russia lands on street

Two people made a parachute jump in the morning hours in Moscow, the capital of Russia. The parachutists, who did not take the weather into account, were caught in storm. While the parachutists were trying to land in a safe place in the heavy storm, they found the way down to the side of the […]

hundreds of haitians deported from the US

Joe Biden administration decided to deport the Haitians living illegally under the Del Rio bridge in the US state of Texas. Hundreds of them were deported forcibly to their countries by a plane. The deported Haitians tried to re-board the plane they were brought back from Texas. The airport police did not intervene to the […]

stunning full moon sparkling on van lake in turkey

In the Ahlat district of Bitlis, Turkey, the full moon sparkling on Van Lake mesmerized. People enjoyed the view with tea on the shore of the lake, and some took photos of the stunning view. The moments left unforgettable memories for people witnessing the view.

National library of mining opens soon in turkey

The Turkish Geosciences Data and Core Data Bank (TÜVEK), which was established to archive the cores, samples and geological data documents obtained from the drillings for the exploration and production of mineral resources, will be the national library of Turkey’s mining. TÜVEK will have the second largest rock sample storage capacity in the world. Explaining […]

kosovo imposes license plate for serbians increase tension at border

The free movement of traffic circulation signed between Kosovo and Serbia in 2016 expired on September 15, 2021. Following the ending of the agreement, Kosovo imposed a temporary Kosovo license plate requirement on vehicles with Serbian license plates to enter the country, and that decision caused tension at the border. Serbs living in Kosovo blocked […]

police detains unvaccinated people in pakistan

Police in Pakistan’s Sind province detained 100 people who were not vaccinated against the corona virus (Covid-19), and did not have a vaccination card. Sind state government stated that, the police force was instructed to ‘show great interest’ in checking the vaccination cards of citizens. It became mandatory to carry the vaccination cards in different […]

heavy rains cause floodings in mexico

Heavy rains last night in the Mexican state of Nuevo Leon caused flooding. In the city of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon state, many streets were flooded due to overflow of the Topo Chico river. Some vehicles were stranded in the flood. A fire broke out as a result of a lightning strike at the Cuauhtemoc railway […]

man sets himself on fire in uruguay

A man set himself on fire in front of the Presidential building in Uruguay’s capital, Montevideo. While person was burning, the people in the presidential office intervened with fire tubes. It was stated that the man was taken to the hospital with serious burns, and that 80 percent of his body was burned. While it […]