sneaky fox steals camera in russia

A wandering fox stole a camera belonging to a group of climbers who wanted to capture images of Shiveluch Volcano on Russia’s Kamchatka Island. The fox ran away grasping the camera with its mouth while the camera was still recording. After a while, the climbers retrieved the camera that the fox had left on a […]

41 killed in indonesian prison fire

A fire broke out in Tangerang Prison killed 41 prisoners. The Prison was home to 2,000 prisoners which is near the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta. Noting that one of the dead was a citizen of South Africa and the other a Portuguese citizen, Minister Laoly also confirmed the information that the prison was overcrowded. The […]

flooding hits central mexican hospital killing 17

Floods killed 17 patients in a hospital following heavy rains in Tula, a city in the central Mexican state of Hidalgo. As the power supply collapsed citywide, power generators at the flooded hospital also failed, where 15 of the deceased were on respiratory support. Hidalgo state officials called on citizens to be prepared for floods, […]

US president biden visits new jersey to survey hurricane ida damage

US President Joe Biden visited New Jersey to survey the damage in the region, which is among the states most affected by Hurricane Ida. Biden met with the authorities and disaster victims in the town of Hillsborough. He called for action on climate change, and stated that it is necessary to be quick about the […]

wildfire destroys widespread forested land in spain

A forest fire broke out last Sunday in the countryside of the city of Ribas De Sil in the Galicia Autonomous Region in northwest Spain. The fire, burned more than 1,500 hectares of forest, was brought under control two days later. The Spanish army supported the firefighters by sending 49 crews, 8 planes and 14 […]

IAA mobility begins in germany

The IAA Mobility opened its doors for the first time this year with the opening ceremony attended by German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Munich, Germany. Merkel said that the future of automobiles is developing in favor of electricity and that the German automobile industry is developing models in this direction. Under the motto “What will […]

worn out flamingo under treatment in turkey

A flamingo, worn out after a long flight, was taken by the Nature Conservation and National Parks (DKMP) for treatment in Çanakkale, Turkey. Veterinarian Meltem Dimişgi said that the flamingo may have gotten tired on its migration route. She said that after the treatment process is over, they will release the flamingo to the Gökçeada […]

algerian woman, 39, killed by flying tire in turkey

A 37-year-old Algerian woman was killed by a tire flied off a truck. She was waiting with her children at the roadside intersection in the Manavgat district of Antalya in Turkey when the incident occurred. The other tire of the same truck flied off at a junction 10 kilometers ahead, caused a pileup on the […]

China holds speacekeeping drill for UN initiative

International peacekeeping drill Shared Destiny-2021 kicked off Monday in central China’s Henan Province. It is the first time the Chinese military has organized such a multi-national live drill on peacekeeping, with the participation of troops from countries including China, Mongolia, Pakistan and Thailand. The drill is scheduled to run through September 15, and it is […]

bundestag holds its last session before general elections in germany

In Germany, the Bundestag held its 239th session before the general elections on September 26. During the session, German Chancellor Angela Merkel asked for support to Armin Laschet, the prime ministerial candidate of the Christian Union Parties. Merkel also said the vaccine worked and urged the public to get vaccinated again.