man trapped on flood waters rescued in india

Heavy rains caused flooding in Baghpat in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. A man got trapped on his vehicle in the underpass filled with flood waters. The images went viral on social media, where he asks for help on the phone. The man was saved after an hour of rescuing effort.

military helicopter crash-lands in mexico

A helicopter belonging to the Mexican Navy went out of control and crashed while landing in the city of Agua Blanca de Iturbide in the Mexican state of Hidalgo. It was stated that 20 people were on the helicopter, along with Veracruz State Interior Minister Eric Cisneros, and that the helicopter returned from a reconnaissance […]

gunman kills 4 near french embassy in tanzania

In the armed attack carried out near the French Embassy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 3 police officers and 1 private security guard lost their lives and 6 people were injured. The gunman was shot dead by the security forces. The cause of the attack is not yet known.

Virgin Hyperloop unveils new concept video

US-based transportation technology company Virgin Hyperloop has released new concept images of the passenger capsules of the Hyperloop project, which uses magnetic levitation to travel at over a thousand kilometers per hour in vacuum tubes.

wildfires spread to altai and ural regions in russia

Forest fires, started in mid-July in the Siberia region of Russia, spread to the Altai and Ural regions. People living in the areas where the fires continues were evacuated, while the highway between Yekaterinburg and Perm cities was reportedly closed due to the fires. A large number of personnel are responding to the fires with […]

forest fire breaks out in jerusalem

A fire broke out in the forest area near the Israeli-occupied Givat Ayram settlement in Jerusalem. Houses nearby fire were evacuated in the area. Israeli forces sent 6 planes as well as firefighters to the region to tackle the fire. It is not known whether there were any deaths or injuries.

Fight in armenian parliemant

Civil Contract Party MP Hayk Sargsyan accused former Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan of treason during in his speech in the parliament. Meanwhile, Ohanyan, who was sitting on the parliamentary benches, first reacted verbally to Sarkisyan and then threw a bottle. MPs of the ruling and opposition parties clashed in the parliament. The soldiers who entered […]

15 killed in venezuela landslides

15 people were killed by landslides in Venezuela’s Merida state, which was hit by floods after heavy rains. While most of the deaths occurred in the town of Tovar, electricity and telephone connections were lost in the area.

world’s largest observation wheel completes in dubai

The construction of the world’s largest observation wheel has been completed in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The wheel, called Ain Dubai (Dubai’s eye), built on Bluewaters Island, consists of 48 air-conditioned cabins in the form of a capsule. Ain Dubai is more than 250 meters high, and it will be able to serve 1,750 people […]

EU to increase budget arranged for afghan refugees

The G7 leaders came together virtually in a meeting to discuss the situation in Afghanistan. Following the meeting, The European Union (EU) Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen announced that the Commission will propose to almost quadruple the humanitarian aid coming from the EU budget for countries that accepted Afghan refugees. The budget will be […]