ancient city thera in turkey unhearts

Excavations have started for the first time in the ancient city of Thera in the Ula district of Muğla, which is thought to be one of the ancient cities that best reflects the culture of the Karia people, who were native to Anatolia. Theater and temple structures will be unearthed primarily during excavations. There are […]

turkish foreign minister speaks on crimea

Crimea Platform Summit started with the participation of 44 NATO and EU countries in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu thanked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for hosting the summit, and said that Turkey has not recognized the Russian annexation of Crimea 7 years ago. He stated that there should […]

woman killed by falling palm tree in israel

In the western city of Tiberia in Israel, a woman walking in the park killed by a palm tree. The reason of the tree falling on woman is unknown. Authorities who arrived to the scene determined that the woman was dead. The police launched an investigation regarding the incident.

hurricane henri hits coastal rhode island in US

Hurricane Henri downgraded to tropical storm and reached the state of Rhode Island in the USA. Several bridges were temporarily closed, while coastal roads became unusable. In Rhode Island 74,000 households and 20,000 in Connecticut were left without electricity. Hundreds of flights have been canceled, although major airports in the area are still open as […]

21 dead in US flooding

Heavy rainfall caused flooding in the Hickman, Houston and Humphreys and Dickson areas of the US state of Tennessee. 21 people including children were killed, 31 gone missing. Around 10,000 people were cut off from electricity and telephone. Search and rescue efforts continue.

Russia successfully launches rocket with 34 satellites

The 34 telecommunication satellites belonging to British OneWeb company was successfully launched. The Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos), which works on sending the rocket into space that will provide internet service, announced that no problems were encountered during the launch. British company OneWeb announced that 648 satellites are planned to be launched into space by […]

The launch of british satellite rocket postponed due to error

The launch of 34 telecommunication satellites belonging to British OneWeb company was canceled 40 seconds before the rocket firing. While the OneWeb rocket was awaiting to be launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, an error was detected before the launch. It was stated that the error will be fixed by tomorrow, and the launch […]

sky turns red due to sandstorm in algeria

The sky has turned red after a sandstorm hit the Ain El-Hajal region in M’sila province in eastern Algeria. The storm caused a significant reduction in visibility where the traffic was stopped. Police warned people to drive slowly and carefully. People with lung diseases were advised not to go outside.