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Ukraine Peace Conference Begins in Switzerland

Fifty-seven country leaders and 30 foreign ministers from all around the world arrived in the town of Bürgenstock in the Nidwalden canton of Switzerland to attend the Ukraine Peace Conference, which is the largest meeting held regarding the…

Visitors Flock to Cappadocia ahead of Eid al-Adha

With the arrival of Eid al-Adha and the closing of schools in Cappadocia, one of the most important tourism regions of Türkiye, the number of visitors reached the highest levels. “The occupancy rate rose up to 80 to 90 percent in the…

Cyril Ramaphosa Re-elected as President in South Africa

Cyril Ramaphosa, the candidate of the African National Congress, who lost his parliamentary majority after 30 years following the general election held on May 29 in South Africa, which will be governed by a coalition government for the…

Storm Causes Destruction in Türkiye’s Tokat

The storm that occurred yesterday evening in Erbaa district of Tokat province of Türkiye caused destruction. Many trees fell and a greenhouse was completely destroyed. Approximately 600,000 flowers in the greenhouse were greatly damaged.…

Pilgrims Wait near Mount Arafat

Over three million Muslims, who went to Mecca in Saudi Arabia to become a pilgrim, waited at the Arafat Square at foot of Mount Arafat to fulfil their pilgrimage duties. During their wait at the area, Muslims begged Allah for the…

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