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Türkiye’s Tokat Home to Wild Buffaloes


Buffaloes seeking relief from the scorching heat by entering a pond in Tokat’s Erbaa district in Türkiye have formed scenes reminiscent of African wildlife documentaries. Melike Çakır, a 22-year-old buffalo shepherd, oversees the cooling-off process as the buffaloes immerse themselves in the water en masse.

Melike Çakır expressed her joy in caring for buffaloes, noting that the only missing element compared to Africa is crocodiles. She shared insights into her daily routine, which involves milking the animals in the morning, releasing them to graze, and then milking them again in the evening. The buffaloes, with their black skin attracting the sun’s heat, seek relief by lying in the mud and cooling off in the water. Despite the African-like appearance of the setting, Melike named each buffalo based on their unique traits or appearances. She emphasized her deep connection with them, cultivated since childhood.


Yasin Kıras – Yunus Çiftci – Şaban Konyar

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