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Türkiye’s Ambassador Hosts Turkish Cuisine Week in Cairo

Türkiye’s Ambassador to Cairo, Salih Mutlu Şen, hosted a breakfast event for Egyptian and Turkish journalists as part of Turkish Cuisine Week. Ambassador Şen highlighted Türkiye’s commitment to continuing humanitarian and food aid to Gaza in cooperation with Egypt.

The event, held at the Turkish Embassy in Cairo, featured high-level press members from Türkiye. Ambassador Şen welcomed Egyptian journalists, saying, and discussed the significance of Turkish breakfast in promoting a healthy lifestyle. “Breakfast is the most important meal in Turkish culture,” Şen stated, adding that Turkish breakfast offers a healthy and delicious alternative that meets the requirements of modern life.

He also addressed the strengthening relations between Türkiye and Egypt in various sectors, including tourism, economy, trade, industry, sports, and culture. He noted Türkiye’s recent participation in the U23 Mediterranean Games in Ismailia, saying, “The Turkish sports team was 2-3 times larger than the other teams, showing how much Turkish athletes are willing and interested in coming to Egypt.” Şen also highlighted the collaboration of Turkish and Egyptian composers at the Cairo Opera and Türkiye’s involvement in the Egyptian Africa Tourism Forum.


Türkiye-Egypt Cooperation on Gaza

Ambassador Şen emphasized that 95% of humanitarian aid entering Gaza passes through Egypt, primarily via the Rafah Gate. “Türkiye will continue its humanitarian aid and food aid to Gaza in cooperation with Egypt,” he affirmed. He acknowledged the temporary suspension of aid shipments due to security concerns but expressed hope for a resolution. He criticized Israel’s actions at the Rafah Gate, stating that “the Rafah Gate, which was illegally occupied by Israel, should be withdrawn from the Palestine side as soon as possible,” and emphasized that this was the demand of both Türkiye and Egypt.

Highlighting the historical and cultural ties between Türkiye and Egypt, Ambassador Şen mentioned the shared culinary traditions and the influence of Turkish customs and language in Egypt. “Many families came here during the reign of Mehmet Ali Pasha,” he said. “Mehmet Ali Pasha established a printing house here, and mostly Turkish books were printed there.” He underscored the multidimensional and deep-rooted relationship between the two nations, emphasizing the importance of continued high-level visits and cooperation, particularly regarding Palestine. “High-level visits between Türkiye and Egypt will continue to intensify in the coming period,” he added, noting that these visits will focus on cooperation and solidarity on issues of mutual concern.


Yaprak Mutlu

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