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On Wednesday, 3 Russian Navy Large Landing Ships with 012 bow number Russian Ropucha Class “Olenegorskiy Gornyak”, with 016 bow number Russian Ropucha Class “Georgiy Pobedonosets”, and with 017 bow number Russian Ivan Gren Class “Pyotr Morgunov” entered the Dardanelles Strait of Turkey from the Aegean Sea at around 09:15 AM. After they reached the fronts of Çanakkale city of Turkey at around 10:30 AM, 3 Russian ships passed through in fronts of “Kilitbahir Castle” and “Dur Yolcu” symbol at the Dardanelles Strait, and move forward to Sea of Marmara after turning the Nagara Point. Due to the crisis between Russia and Ukraine, Turkish Coast Guard boats accompanied the Russian ships while they were passing through.

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