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60th Anniversary of Turkey-Austria Labor Force Agreement


Turkish Minister of Family and Social Services Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş highlighted the enduring impact of the Türkiye-Austria Labor Force Agreement at its 60th anniversary gala in Vienna. Speaking at the event held at the Liechtenstein Palace, Göktaş reflected on the journey of Turkish ‘gastarbeiter’—guest workers—who initially planned to stay for just a year or two, but ultimately found a second home in Austria.

The event, organized by Türkiye’s Embassy in Vienna and the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB), saw attendance from Austrian Federal Minister of Women, Family, Integration and Media Susanne Raab, Türkiye’s Ambassador to Vienna Ozan Ceyhun, YTB President Abdullah Eren, and numerous guests.

Göktaş conveyed President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s greetings and noted the resilience of the Turkish workforce that ventured into unknown lands across Europe, seeking better opportunities. She emphasized the deep bonds formed over the decades, as Turkish immigrants worked hard in factories, farms, and mines, despite language and cultural barriers. Their contributions not only bolstered economic growth but also strengthened bilateral ties between Türkiye and Austria.

Marking a dual milestone, Göktaş reminded the audience that this year also celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Friendship Agreement between the two nations, underscoring the long-standing friendship and multifaceted relations between Türkiye and Austria.

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