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Fall foliage in turkey’s aydın

Mountains in Turkey’s Aydın city fascinates people in fall with chestnut forests and pine trees. Ottoman explorer Evliya Chalabi describes the land as “the most beautiful land under the sky”, where thousands of people visit every season, especially in the fall. The forests have become one of the most attractive place for both professional and amateur photographers.

An amateur photographer Yunus Emre Kilinc said they used to visit the place for hunting, but now they visit the area for photo safari. “Aydın is a beautiful city with its sea, history, ancient cities, natural beauties and forests. In the past, our grandfathers used to hunt in these mountains. With the widespread use of smartphones with cameras that is equally good as professional ones, people have started to do photo safari instead of hunting. The foliage in green, brown and yellow tones in the Aydın Mountains form a riot of colors,” Kilinc said.

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