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Farmer Revives Animal Husbandry with 4-Storey Farm in Trabzon


In Trabzon’s Şalpazarı district in Türkiye, Gökhan Karadeniz has revitalized animal husbandry by building a unique 4-storey farm on steep terrain. Karadeniz, a 30-year-old natural gas technician graduate, chose to pursue farming instead of his profession, utilizing the knowledge passed down from his parents. Despite initial skepticism from locals, he successfully built the multi-level structure, dedicating three floors to his cows and reserving the top floor for himself.

The innovative design includes livestock on the first floor, milking and calf-rearing on the second, and a hayloft on the third. Karadeniz’s approach has set an example in the region, helping to revive cattle farming, which was nearing extinction. His success has inspired others in the community to return to animal husbandry.

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