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Crow Becomes Mascot At Turkish Public Building


A crow has become the unofficial mascot of the Sivas Provincial Health Directorate in Türkiye, regularly accompanying staff to and from work. The bird, nicknamed Kömür meaning “Coal” in English, has formed a close bond with both staff and visitors. It spends its days in the directorate’s garden, where employees feed it nuts and care for it. The crow has gained attention for its friendly behavior, including landing on people’s hands and heads, and showing a particular fondness for shelled peanuts.

Security officer Tuncay Kaya mentioned that the crow is comfortable around people and often interacts with them, taking biscuits, crackers, and even attempting to snatch earrings and ID cards. Kaya noted the bird’s playful nature, adding that it returns to its nest on the roof each evening after spending the day socializing with staff.


Fatmanur Akkişi – Onur Erden

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