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Erdoğan Warns of Regional Escalation Amid Israeli-Lebanon Tensions

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan criticized recent Israeli attacks on Lebanon, warning of efforts to escalate the conflict across the region. Speaking at a dinner organized by the Turkish-American National Steering Committee (TASC) in New York, Erdoğan stated, “The recent attacks and statements by Israel are clear attempts to spread the war to the region.”

Addressing Turkish-Americans, Erdoğan urged support in combating terrorist groups, specifically FETÖ and the PKK, which he claimed threaten Turkey’s interests and citizens abroad. He called for vigilance against these organizations, accusing them of attempting to divide Turkish society and manipulate American decision-makers. He reaffirmed Turkey’s commitment to continue legal action against those he labeled as “traitors” seeking to harm the nation and undermine its democracy.

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