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kyiv residents see chance for diplomacy amid possible russian invasion

While the Donbass crisis continues between Russia and Ukraine, residents of Kyiv believe that the crisis can be resolved peacefully. The tension in the region continues as well as the intense shuttle diplomacy carried out by the leaders of Germany, France, the USA and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg with the leaders of Ukraine and Russia, after Russia’s allegations that it will start a war against Ukraine. While the leaders’ statements and efforts continue, the people of Kyiv want to live in peace. The people of Kyiv, who argue that two neighboring countries, Russia and Ukraine, can reach a solution without fighting and through dialogue, are not in favor of going to border in case of war.

A Ukrainian woman from Kyiv said that everything went well with Russia in the past. “We were very good towards Russia. But we don’t know what’s on their minds right now. The rulers, not the people, of Russia behave very strangely. Ukraine and Russia have always been close countries, but now this is a controversial issue. Relatives of both Ukrainians and Russians are here and there. People love each other, but these things make us sad,” she said.

Expressing that Russia and Ukraine can be good neighbors, a young man living in Kyiv said, “I don’t think it’s necessary to start a war. Because I couldn’t love the USA and Poland as neighbors. We did not participate in this war. That’s why our country presidents should deal with this problem and just talk. Because this is their problem, not the problem of the local people living in these countries,” he said. Noting that he did not know the reason why the soldiers were deployed to the border, the young man said, “I think this is a historical situation regarding the Russians and Ukrainians. However, many Russians live in Ukraine and many Ukrainians live in Russia. Asked whether he would participate in the event of war, the young man, who did not reveal his name, said, “I don’t know. I am 18 years old, maybe later”.

Another boy said, “I think if Russia attacks us, it could be the Third World War. I think the USA and other countries will protect us. I don’t feel any pressure on me right now,” he said. However, the 16-year-old stated that he wanted to go abroad in the future and answered “No” to the question about whether he would fight in case of war.

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