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Azov Battalion shared clashes in Ukraine

The Azov battalion is fighting against Russian troops in Mariupol and the Donbass Region, where Russian army continues its attacks. In the statement made on the official website of the Azov Battalion, it was reported that a mine-resistant Typhoon type armored vehicle belonging to the Russian army, 4 armored vehicles and 2 BBM type armored vehicles were destroyed in the last 24 hours. In the statement, it was stated that the GRU intelligence elements of the Russian army were also neutralized, and that “many infantrymen were killed, including 17 Russian GRU special forces.”

The statement read that Russian troops besieged the city of Mariupol, but they resisted this siege and said, “Although the city is under siege, the Ukrainians continue to fight for Mariupol. Despite the enemy’s attempt to seize the city, the city’s defenders continue to fight for every Ukrainian.”

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