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A Snow Festival held in Turkey revealed colorful images

With the arrival of the winter season in Turkey, a “Snow Festival” held in Alucra district in Turkey’s city of Giresun. Many children and their families participated in the festival held by the Center Association of Alucra district. People who participated in the Snow Festival enjoyed the snow by riding the sleds in the festival area. Also, activities such as sled race, snowball fight and snowmen building were held in the festival.

Meanwhile, the Center Association Chairman Aydın Bodur gave information about the festival. “Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we haven’t had held the event, which we held from time to time in the previous years, for the last 2 years. This year, we held our “Our Lives Happy with Snow and Winter” themed festival. It was quite an intense participation. If possible, we aim to organize a much more magnificent snow festival next year,” Chairman Bodur said.

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