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Anti-vaccine protesters’ demonstrations are continuing in France. Hundreds of anti-vaccine protesters and Yellow Vests in the France’s capital Paris protested the “vaccine pass” and Coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions that will be implemented in the country from January 24. The homeless also supported the protesters who held demonstrations at 4 different points in Paris. The demonstrators gathered in the Anvers Metro Square in Paris and marched to Place de la Nation Square. Protesters urged French President Emmanuel Macron to resign frequently and carried, “Fascist Macron’s cops leave us alone”, “We want to enjoy our freedom”, “We want to protect our freedom”, written banners. The protesters stated that vaccine pass implementation disregarding their personal freedom. A great number of police and gendarmerie personnel deployed in the protest.

On the other hand, vaccine pass was approved by the National Assembly on January 16 and by the Constitutional Court on Saturday. Meanwhile, the COVID-19 vaccine pass will become mandatory at restaurants, bars, cafes, weddings, seminars, trade fairs in France from January 24. In France, the vaccine pass will also become mandatory for visitors in hospitals and nursing homes, for patients who didn’t enter the hospitals from emergency service, and for in long-distance public transportation by train, plane and bus from January 24.

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