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Breathtaking emergency drill in Istanbul Airport

Istanbul Grand Airport (İGA) operator of Istanbul Airport carried out a breathtaking emergency drill in airport apron in Istanbul, Turkey. Possible aircraft crash themed drill was indistinguishable to actual accident. The 2022 Emergency Drill carried out with the participation of Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) teams as well as public institutions. Together with 65 ARFF personal, 35 medical personal, 55 wounded passenger as well as Turkey Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD), National Medical Rescue Team (UMKE) and other support teams, approximately 200 people participated in the 2022 Emergency Drill.

According to scenario, front landing gears of a commercial passenger twin engine jet airliner Airbus A321, which manufactured by European aerospace corporation Airbus, malfunctioned during landing on an airstrip. Following this, fire broke out in the plane caused by its right engine hitting the ground. With operators in Airport Traffic Control Tower pushing the emergency button right after the accident, teams were mobilized. With their arrival upon the scene, ADFF teams responded the fire and kept it under control. Also the wounded were carried to ambulances by medical teams according to scenario. Wounded rescued at short notice and fire extinguished with teams showing quick and coordinated reflexes.

Within the framework of the emergency plans, which are required to be by prepared by airports in accordance with the rules of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the operability of the plan is tested and desktop exercises are organized every 6 months, partial exercises with a narrow scope once a year and exercises with wide participation every 2 years in order to increase cooperation between institutions and organizations.

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