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Civil Society Network for Peer Support and Localization in Turkish provinces continue at full speed

Civil Society Network for Peer Support and Localisation (ADA Türkiye), established in the scope of the Community-Based Local Initiatives Project (CLIP 2), co-financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the European Union, continues its activities at full speed in Turkey’s 15 provinces. So far, the network’s qualified and integrated services to refugees and vulnerable members of the host community have reached nearly 30,000 people in 15 provinces across Turkey.

Last year, GIZ formed a Network of 22 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that are implementation partners of the CLIP 2. ADA Turkiye aims to provide needs-based social services to more than 38,000 people by August 2023 through projects run by its member NGOs in Turkey’s underserved regions.

With the support of the German government and the EU, ADA Türkiye member NGOs of different size and capacities providing services in the fields of social cohesion, non-formal education, and protection are targeting Syrian refugees, including vulnerable members of the host community as well as groups from other countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran in their projects.

With the upcoming website (www.adaturkiye.org), ADA Türkiye hopes to improve intra-Network coordination by increasing information sharing. The website, which is currently under construction as part of the GIZ initiative, will provide information about the Network’s work as well as trainings, useful resources, and contact information of the member NGOs.

ADA Türkiye currently provides social services in 24 provinces, including Adana, Afyon, Ağrı, Aksaray, Amasya, Ankara, Bursa, Elazığ, Erzurum, Gaziantep, Iğdır, Istanbul, Kayseri, Kırşehir, Kilis, Konya, Kütahya, Nevşehir, Niğde, Sakarya, Sivas, Trabzon, Van and Zonguldak, with plans to expand in the future.

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