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Drone Pilot Discovers Lake among Petrified Lava in Van

Drone pilot teacher Muzaffer Salcıoğlu, who is curious about the history of Van and conducts research on it, discovered a lake among petrified lava around Sakızlı Hamlet in Başeğmez Neighborhood, 25 kilometers from Çaldıran district center. The lake, which is inhabited many creatures, was captured for the first time by Salcıoğlu.

“I had previously filmed a undiscovered castle in the region and my interest in the region increased. Last weekend, I went on another Çaldıran tour. I visited about 7-8 villages. I had done some research on the region. I noticed a lake on satellite maps. I searched for its location but there was no information on YouTube or Google. There was no information on social media either. I decided to go to the place where I had spotted it. The lake is in a magnificent place. It is located in an area called ‘stained land’ with lava rocks all around. I guess no one had noticed it before because it is in a slightly shallow area,” said Muzaffer Salcıoğlu.

Yılmaz Sönmez

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