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Excavation Unveils Key Anatolian Seljuk City in Türkiye

Excavations in Kalehisar, Çorum, are shedding light on a significant Anatolian Seljuk settlement, with experts likening its importance to Hattusa, the capital of the Hittites. Head of the excavation, Assoc. Dr. Mustafa Kemal Şahin, revealed that Kalehisar holds key structures like a castle, madrasah, caravanserai, and bathhouse, underscoring its role as a major Seljuk city. Initial studies date back to 1965, and recent work is focused on preserving the site for future generations. Kalehisar also shows evidence of later Ottoman settlement, adding further historical value.


Muhammed Muttalip Yalçın – Bülent Özkaleli
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