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France is ready for presidential election

Twelve candidates, 4 of whom are women, will compete in the first round of the elections, which will take place on April 10 and 24 in France. 3 of the 6 candidates in the first place in the surveys are rightists and 2 are leftists. Along with the current President Emmanuel Macron and the leader of the far-right National Unity Party (RN), Marine Le Pen, Jean Luc Melenchon, the leader of the France Indomitable Movement (LFI), is the leader of the Reconquete Party, which is on the agenda with far-right and hate speech. Eric Zemmour, Chairman of the Green Party (EELV) and a member of the European Parliament (EP) since 2009 Yannick Jadot, from the centre-right Republican Party (LR) of the Ile-de-France region, which also includes Paris Its President, Valerie Pecresse, Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo of the centre-left Socialist Party (PS), Fabien Roussel, General Secretary of the Communist Party (PCF), New Anticapitalist Party (NPA) Spokesperson Philippe Poutou, Resistance Party leader Jean Lassalle and Labor Struggle (Nathalie Arthaud from the Lutte Ouvriere) Party was nominated, while Deputy Nicolas Dupont-Aignan announced his candidacy for the third time.

The elections in the country will be the 12th presidential election of the 5th Republic.

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Çanakkale War Mobile Museum Draws Interest in Kosovo


The Çanakkale War Mobile Museum, showcasing artifacts and digital displays from the historic battle, has drawn significant attention in Prizren, Kosovo. Organized by Türkiye’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the traveling exhibition aims to keep the spirit of Çanakkale alive, particularly among Turkish communities in the Balkans.

Turkish students from Çiryazi Kardeşler Primary School visited the museum, expressing enthusiasm for learning about the war. Museum official Necmi Can Akyıldız stated that after Prizren, the exhibition will move to Mamuşa, Dragaş, and later to Shkodra, Albania.

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