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Grandmother and Granddaughter Study Together at Turkish University

A 66-year-old woman, Seher Aşçı, and her 18-year-old granddaughter, İpek Simay Yıldız, are studying at the same university in Alanya, Türkiye. Seher is part of the “60+ Refreshment University Project” at Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University, and her siblings are also enrolled in the program. By coincidence, İpek took a talent exam at the same university and started studying there as well. They attend different faculties but enjoy spending time together on campus. Both express pride and happiness in their unique academic connection. The family recommends the university and appreciates the support from their children. The Refreshment University Coordinator acknowledges the pleasant surprise of having a grandmother and her grandson studying at the same institution, fostering a positive environment for intergenerational education.

İbrahim Sönmez

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Flood Waters Dyed Türkiye’s Lake Van Brown


The waters flowing from stream beds after the recent rain and floods in the Ahlat district of Bitlis, Türkiye, dyed Lake Van brown, creating an unusual sight.

“Lake Van has turned red with rainwater. This is the first time we’ve seen such a sight. We stopped and took a video,” said a local.


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