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Hiroshima Marks 79th Anniversary of Atomic Bomb Attack


Hiroshima commemorated the 79th anniversary of the atomic bomb attack by the USA with a solemn ceremony at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. The traditional event honored the victims of the world’s first atomic bomb attack, which occurred during World War II.

At 08:15, the exact time the bomb known as “Little Boy” was dropped, relatives of the victims, politicians, representatives from 109 countries, and the public observed a moment of silence. Approximately 50,000 people attended the ceremony, where a list of 344,306 names of those who perished and witnesses was displayed on the peace monument, including 5,079 new names added this year.

In his Peace Declaration, Hiroshima Mayor Kazumi Matsui highlighted ongoing global conflicts, such as those in Ukraine and Palestine, emphasizing the deepening distrust and reliance on military force. Matsui called for collective action and hope, urging unity to persuade leaders to abandon nuclear deterrence policies.

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