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Japan Marks 79th Anniversary of Atomic Bombing

A ceremony was held at Nagasaki Peace Park to commemorate the 79th anniversary of the USA’s second atomic bomb attack on Japan. The event honored the memory of those who perished in the devastating bombing of Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. Approximately 2,300 people, including survivors, their families, politicians, and international representatives, attended the solemn ceremony.

Notably, Russia and Belarus were excluded from the ceremony for the third consecutive year due to their involvement in the Ukraine conflict, while Israel was also not invited this year due to concerns over potential protests. In response, ambassadors from the USA, the UK, Germany, France, Italy, and Canada chose not to attend.

At 11:02 a.m., the exact moment the atomic bomb, nicknamed “Fat Man,” was dropped on Nagasaki, attendees observed a moment of silence. A list containing the names of 198,785 individuals affected by the bombing was placed at the Peace Monument, paying tribute to the victims of this tragic event in history.

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