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Van Provincial Directorate of Security Department of Counter-Narcotics teams conducted a search via drug dog named “Magnum” on a vehicle and a residence that has been located earlier in İpekyolu district of Van city, Turkey. In search, teams seized 104,250 kilograms of heroin inside of 203 packages were seized and a judicial investigation was launched against a suspect related to the incident. It’s been indicated that province-wide action is carried out against people who’s are selling, transporting and storing drugs to derive an improper personal benefit, in a statement released by Van Provincial Directorate of Security. “In the search made with the drug dog Magnum in the residence and vehicle detected in İpekyolu district of our province by the officers of our Directorate’s Department of Counter-Narcotics, 104,250 kilograms of heroin in 203 packages were seized. A judicial investigation has been initiated against 1 suspected for the crime of Trafficking in Drugs or Stimulant Substances and Transferring Drugs,” Van Provincial Directorate of Security said in the statement.

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