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New Spotted Salamander Subspecies Found in Türkiye’s Tunceli

A new subspecies of salamander, ‘Neurergus Strauchii Munzurensis’, was discovered in Türkiye’s Tunceli province. The creature, which has vibrant yellow spots on its dark skin, was found and photographed by Director Caner Canerik and Lawyer Banu Çuhadar Yılmaz.

“As we travel in nature, we look differently and try to discover new species. We do this amateurishly. We thought we had found a spotted salamander, but when we examined it closely, we thought it might be a new species. We did our research and found that it was a new subspecies that does not live in this region. The region is rich and needs to be researched and protected,” said Caner Canerik.

Neurergus Strauchii Munzurensis was first found during the inventory studies of frogs and reptiles carried out in Tunceli province in 2016 and was published in the Russian Journal of Herpetology and accepted scientifically.

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