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Once Vibrant, Now Abandoned: The Story of Cürek in Türkiye


The once vibrant city of Cürek in Sivas’ Divriği district, likened to a “Little Paris” in its lively past, now resembles the abandoned city of Chernobyl due to its desolation. Initially constructed as a modern town for mining company employees during the early years of the Republic, Cürek boasted amenities like single-storey lodgings, schools, hospitals, social facilities, and more. However, privatization of the mining operation and reduced job opportunities led to its decline, resulting in the city’s emptiness and silence. Cürek, now in ruins, serves as a reminder of its former lively past, echoing the eerie atmosphere of Chernobyl since 2003.


Onur Erden – Rahmi Meyveci

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