International Latest News Videos and Photos

Photographers Capture Stunning Rainbow Scene in Türkiye

Photographers in Tatvan district, located in Bitlis, Türkiye, braved heavy rain and hail for hours to capture a breathtaking sight. Despite enduring a week of relentless downpours, these photographers were determined to capture a single frame featuring the city center, Lake Van, and a stunning rainbow. As the weather conditions improved slightly, they relocated to Taşlı Tepe, a scenic spot offering a panoramic view of the district. Despite facing muddy roads caused by the rain, they persevered. Finally, their patience paid off when the rainbow appeared, and they quickly snapped stunning photographs that showcased the natural beauty of the area. These images, capturing both the majestic Lake Van and the unique cityscape, are now treasured additions to their portfolios, celebrating the beauty of nature’s spectacle.

Hakan Okay

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