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Red Square in Moscow covered in snow

With the arrival of the winter season, heavy snowfall that effective in multiple areas in Russia has affected the life negatively. Meanwhile in the Russia’s capital city Moscow, the snowfall in revealed unique images. Great numbers of people that gather at the Russia’s iconic building Kremlin Palace and Red Square, have enjoyed the snowfall. Adults and children ice skated on the ice rink built on Red Square, and had fun time at the playgrounds in the area. Thanks to the measures taken against snowfall in Moscow, there are no adverse effects happened in the city. Also, the entrances of metro stations and main roads in the city are kept clean from snow with heavy equipment.

On the other hand, snowfall continues heavier outside the center of Moscow. The Russian Meteorological Agency announced that snowfall will continue at intervals until the end of the week in Moscow, and heavy snowfall is expected next week.

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