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rollover simulator demonstrates importance of seat belt

The Traffic Branch of the Provincial Police Department in Bolu, Turkey, set up a rollover car simulator in the City Square as part of the Highway Traffic Safety Week activities to draw attention to the importance of seat belts. Citizens who boarded the vehicle, which can rotate 360 degrees in the established mechanism, witnessed the accident with and without their seat belts fastened.

Citizens fastening seat belts remained stable in the event of an accident in the simulator, while those who did not could not stand still in the vehicle. The simulator, in which police teams also told citizens about the events that could occur depending on the condition of the vehicle, was met with great interest by the citizens.

“It is a very dangerous to go on the road without fastening seat belts,” said Berat Karapnar, who got into the simulator. “We managed to stay still in the event of a rollover on the simulator. Our heads could be broken if it wasn’t for the seat belts,” he added.

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