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On May 31 at around 04:00 pm local time, 2-year-old foreign national child Muhammet Tareel fell from the balcony of his third-floor house located at the Zeytinburnu, Turkish city of Istanbul. Allegedly, Tareel was hanging down from the marble of the third-floor balcony of the apartment building. Realizing that the child hanging from the balcony would fall, the local shopkeepers immediately ran under the apartment. Shopkeepers made preparations to catch the boy by opening their shirts and their arms. Hanging down, the boy soon fell from the balcony. The shopkeeper waiting under the apartment caught the falling child in the air before he hit the concrete floor. After the incident, the 2-year-old boy was taken to the hospital by his family. As a result of the medical examinations, it was determined that boy’s medical condition is fine, and he was brought back to his home. Meanwhile, the incident was recorded second by second by the CCTV cameras of a shop located in the area.

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