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Flamingo Chicks Hatch in Türkiye’s Tuz Lake

Thousands of flamingo chicks have hatched in Lake Tuz (Salt Lake), a vital wetland located in Aksaray, Türkiye. Known for its significance as a breeding ground and a major source of the country's salt, Lake Tuz attracts…

Flamingos Painted Lake Van in White

Guests of the Lake Van basin, which hosts many bird species every year, extended their stay due to the hot weather and hunting ban. Some flamingos around the basin covered the coastline in white, creating fairytale-like landscapes. Lake…

More Flamingos Come to Lake Erçek This Year

Flamingos, which migrate from Africa to Iran's Lake Urmia every year and stay in the Lake Van Basin in Türkiye for a while on the way back, came to the Lake Van Basin again this year. Erçek Lake, known as a 'bird paradise' due to the fact…

Flamingos visit Türkiye’s Eber Lake

One of Türkiye's largest lakes, Eber Lake, which hosts many living species, including migratory birds, continues to host its guests this year. The flock of Flamingos visiting the part of the lake within the borders of Bolvadin,…

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