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Death Toll in Gaza Exceeds 39,000

Twenty-three Palestinians lost their lives and 91 more were injured in 3 attacks carried out by Israel in the Gaza Strip in the last 24 hours, making the total Palestinian death toll since October 39,006 and the number of injured 89,818.…

Death Toll Rises Amid Israeli Attacks on Gaza Strip

The Palestinian Ministry of Health reported that the death toll from Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip has reached 38,664, with 89,097 injured. Over the past 24 hours, 80 Palestinians were killed and 216 injured in three separate…

141 Palestinians Die in Previous 24 Hours

According to the statement made by the Palestinian Ministry of Health, 141 Palestinians lost their lives and 400 civilians were injured in 4 attacks carried out by Israeli forces in the last 24 hours. On the 282nd day of the Israel-Hamas…

Death Toll in Al Mevasi, Gaza Strip Increases to 90

The number of people who lost their lives in the attack carried out by the Israeli army in the Al Mevasi region of the Gaza Strip increased to 90. The current number of injured people was renewed as 300. El Mevasi, located to the west of…

Death Toll from Al Mevasi Attack Increases

The number of people killed in the air attack on Al Mevasi, a region in the Gaza Strip that the Israeli army declared as a safe zone in May, increased to 71 and the number of people injured increased to 289. The Israeli army said that…

Death Toll in Gaza Rises to Over 38,000

The Palestinian Ministry of Health reports that the death toll from Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, ongoing since October 7, has risen to 38,243, with 88,033 injured. Over the past 24 hours, 50 Palestinians were killed and 130…

UNRWA Highlights Severe Destruction in Gaza

Israel's attacks on the Gaza Strip have continued for 276 days, causing extensive destruction. Louise Wateridge, senior communications officer for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East…

Israeli Attacks Kill More Palestinians in Gaza

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health's daily report, 40 Palestinians lost their lives and 75 Palestinians were injured in 3 attacks on the Gaza Strip in the last 24 hours. It was noted that the total number since October 7 was…

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