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Dazzling Winter Landscapes Form in Türkiye’s Van

Snow-covered mountains and frozen Lake Erçek, engulfed by fog, have created unique landscapes in the İpekyolu district of Van province in Türkiye. The region, where the air temperature dropped to -13 degrees, is home to many wild birds.…

Stunning Beauty of Tufantepe Attracts Nature Lovers

Tokat's Tufantepe, which was made eligible for tourism in the late 1980s, has become a favorite stop for those who want to enjoy nature thanks to its beautiful nature that can be observed while walking on unique paths. "It is a lush…

History and Nature Meet in This Turkish Village

The Santa Ruins, located in Dumanlı village near Gümüşhane, Türkiye, offer a blend of historical and natural beauty. This site, often called "Heaven in the Valley," features centuries-old stone buildings, churches,…

Andırın District Awaits History and Nature Lovers

Andırın district, located in Kahramanmaraş province of Türkiye, continues to attract local and foreign tourists with its historical structures, especially castles and dazzling natural beauty. “We have been continuing to view and share…

Chickpea Fields Transformed by Blooming Poppies

Adıyaman's chickpea fields near the Atatürk Dam in Kıvırcık village have turned a stunning red with blooming poppy flowers, captivating onlookers. The vibrant poppies, reminiscent of traditional Turkish wedding dresses, have…

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