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Nursing home

Fatal Fire at Milan Nursing Home: 6 Dead, 68 Injured

A fire of unknown origin broke out at a nursing home in Milan, Italy, during the night. The incident claimed the lives of 6 individuals, while 68 others sustained injuries. Authorities, including police, firefighters, and paramedics,…

nursing home fire kills 20 in Russia

A fire broke out in a two-storey nursing home in Kemerovo, Russia killed 20 and injured 2. More than 80 personnel and 28 vehicles responded the fire that quickly spread and managed to rescue 4 casualties. It was stated that the nursing…

2 died in nursing home fire in Czechia

On night of June 1, a fire was broke out for an unknown reason in a nursing home, where Alzheimer's patients were accommodated, located at the Roztoky district in Czech capital city of Prague. Local authorities were announced that 54 of the…

Fire broke out in a nursing home in Russia

A fire broke out in a 450 square-meter private nursing home in a Russia's capital city of Moscow. A large number of firefighters and rescue teams from Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations (EMERCOM) were dispatched at the scene. It's…

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