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Armed assault towards bus in Palestine: 4 injured

Four Palestinian injured after their bus assaulted by armed attackers in northern West Bank, Palestine. The attackers, approaching with their own vehicle, opened fire on the bus en route on a highway around Hamra residential area. The…

speeding car crashed into shopping mall in Palestine

A speeding car stormed a shopping mall in the northern West Bank city of Nablus in Palestine on Wednesday, resulting in two injuries, local sources said. The woman driving the car lost control and smashed the entrance to the Alsawalhi mall…

locals flock parks in Jerusalem amid extreme heatwave

People in Jerusalem were preparing for extreme temperatures as a heatwave swept through the city in recent days. During the heatwave, a fountain in the center of a park have become a popular attraction for both children and adults.…

Biden’s visit to Palestine protested in Gaza

Palestinians in Gaza held demonstration against the visit of US President Joe Biden to Palestine after visiting Israel. Dozens of people took to streets with banners and Palestinian flags, protesting the US policy of supporting Israeli…

Israeli forces injured 62 Palestinians

On the night of 29 June, clashes broke out between Israeli forces and Palestinians in the city of Nablus, located in the north of the West Bank region of Palestine. During the clashes, 62 Palestinians were injured. Palestine Red Crescent…

“Flag March” protest in Gaza

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas called for the Palestinian flag to be hoisted in Al-Aqsa Mosque before the "Flag March" to be held by a group of fanatical Jewish settlers in East Jerusalem on May 29. Upon the call of Hamas…

Turkish Foreign Minister Çavuşoğlu visits Al-Aqsa Mosque

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu continues his Palestine visit. Çavuşoğlu went to Jerusalem after Palestine city of Ramallah. Visiting Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, Çavuşoğlu met with intense interest from the public. During his…

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